Highways Sector Council news

Protecting Your Workforce Guidance Document - Download

This guidance is based upon the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) Site operating procedures Version 4 published on 18th May 2020 and has been adapted for the local highways sector where appropriate.

These are exceptional circumstances and the industry must always comply with the latest Government advice on Coronavirus (Covid-19).

These Local Highways Safe Operating Procedures (SOP) are based on Government guidance on Working safely during coronavirus (Covid-19) - Construction and other outdoor work; other restrictions and advice may apply in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Where workers enter people’s homes, they should follow the Government guidance on Working in Other People’s Homes.

The HSE is the relevant enforcing authority for occupational health and safety legislation and guidance to control public health risks in the construction sector. If a site is not consistently implementing the measures set out by the Government, it may be subject to enforcement action.

Download the full guidance document here

COVID19 - Safe Operating Procedures